Our Services

Experience the ease and comfort of our customizable in-home or on-site services catering to commercial and residential customers. Our proficient technicians are dedicated to promptly solving your computer problems.  Ensuring your business’s security and your workforce’s continuous productivity are our […]

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PC Building Parts

At The IT Guys, we build a bunch of computers. We are going to be starting to put together, a list of PC parts we have worked with and recommend. We do build PCs for customers, at our offices and/or […]

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Contact Us

📞 Phone: 772-667-4469 ✉️ Email: [email protected] The IT Guys Fix is a small, locally owned and operated business founded by passionate owners committed to delivering personalized IT solutions. Whether you need technical support, have inquiries, or require assistance, our dedicated team is […]

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Latest Blog

Chromebooks are in stock!

There have been a bunch of people asking for Chromebooks and if we are going to carry them. I have been looking for some discounted PC’s that we can add Chrome OS Flex to. We found a bunch of Dell […]

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Exciting news for home owners!

Home Assistant Home Assistant https://www.home-assistant.io The IT guys, wants to go in a general direction of helping people obtain that smart home. However, just not spending a boat load of money doing it. I have been partnered with a company […]

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Online store is open!

We have some exciting news! As of today we have opened up our newer online store. We will be selling items, that are cheap and in stock. These will be ready for pick up and/or we can ship the items […]

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The summer of sales! June 21st 2023 – August 31st 2023.

As we are approaching the dead of summer and the condition of the economy that we are in. We are trying to do the best we can, to keep sale pricing down and cost effective for everyone. For the months […]

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Windows 11 Personalized Class

Due to everyone, having to move over to Windows 11. It is indeed a huge change and it throws a bunch of people for a loop. This includes me when they first released it. There is a huge learning curve […]

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Windows 10 End Of Life

Good afternoon everyone! I have some bad news for everyone. Over the past few weeks. The writing is officially on the walls that Windows 10 now has an end-of-life date. On October 14th, 2025 they will be shutting the lights […]

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Permanente Podcast Link

Good Evening everyone! It’s been a long day post and late in the evening. I have worked with the company podbean.com which will be hosting all of our podcasts in the future. They are in the process of giving us […]

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The IT Guys Podcast Episode 1

Due to all the current events and changes that are going on in our everyday lives. I think the best way we can deliver good communication to our customers. As to what is going on in the world in IT […]

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Not even 48 hours into May 2023 Failed Hard Drives

These are the victims, just over the last 48 hours failing hard drives. I am finding that the older PC’s with the “Spinning” hard drives 5 years or older. The drives have given a good life and just need to […]

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Cove Data Protection / BitDefender Package May 2023

Good Morning and Happy May 2023! We are bringing in this month with this incredible deal. We are going to be offering Cove Data Protection and BitDefender in a package for the first time. Due to all the security issues […]

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