Current home users, that have the Intel 13th and 14th Gen Processors. Are having issues with the computer, suddenly powering down. Temps that are extremely high, for no reason at all. XMP is also been reported, enabling that causes further issues to the PC. Memory issues that are being reported, to the motherboard that are fake. Sudden high temps for no reason at all, while playing a game.
Items that are being reported that actual cores are dying on the chips. To voltages that are being driven up so high, that are causing the CPUs to fail.
Intel at this time, is looking into the issue. However, they are still looking into, what is causing it to happen. Some are blaming oxidation, on the chips that is causing the cores to fail. Some are thinking that the actual, coding on the chip that regulates the voltages is to blame.
They are shooting, for a timeframe of August, to release a fix to the motherboard manufacturers. At that time, it will be up to the board manufacturers to release a newer BIOS fix. At this time there are work arounds, that can make the PC more stable.
The recommendation at this time, is to do the following. I follow JayzTwoCents and he came out with a video on what he recommends doing at this time.
- Update the BIOS.
- Watch the video and do the following.
**UPDATE** 8/2/2024 Intel says it has identified the root of the problem — a microcode bug that causes CPUs to draw too much voltage, leading to degradation that causes crashes and Blue Screens of Death — and it is expected to release an update via motherboard BIOS in mid-August.
the Abington Cole + Ellery law firm began a class action lawsuit investigation.