Is AMD paving the way to a GPU-less future?

Over the last month (January 2024). AMD released three newer AM5 socket, processors that are set to put less pressure and stress on your GPU.

They are embedding, graphics chips directly into the CPU sockets. What does this mean to you? This means that games will work better and smoother when working directly with your graphics card. As graphics cards, are getting more larger and demanding on the computers. We are hitting a point, where up to 600 watts is a ton of power and also heat is another HUGE factor.

As time goes on, we might see a newer trend out there. Where manufacturers are adding better graphics dyes on the processors themselves, to help offload some of the heat and power difference. The following processors are up for sale as you are reading this article. Just keep in mind that you will need, the newer AM5 processor socket on your motherboard and DDR5 memory.

AMD Ryzen* 7 8700G with AMD Ryzen* AI Support

AMD Ryzen* 5 8600G with AMD Ryzen* AI Support

AMD Ryzen* 5 8500G