May 2023 Special Pricing

For the month of May 2023, we have some exciting news!!! We are starting monthly specials, to reflect national holidays and/or to bring attention to people that are exciting in our lives.

National Armed Forces Day and Memorial Day!

Memorial Day in United States. Remember and Honor. Federal holiday for remember and honor persons who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Celebrated in May. Vector poster

For the upcoming month of May, sit down and take time to reflect on all the active/inactive military personnel. They are out, making sure that our country stays safe and free! Some of these people took their active lives and were cut short, due to their courage and efforts to keep us safe and free every day. A good portion of these people suffer physical and mental issues that they live with for the rest of their lives. So with that, we thank you!

  • Hard drive replacement (includes parts only hard drive) and Windows reload plus data transfer: $189.99
  • Windows OS Reload and or Mac OS Reload: $99.99.
  • Flat cost of $199.99 in labor, if the install takes more than 2 hours.
  • Virus Removal: $89.99
  • Labor: $89.99 / hr for remote.
  • Labor: $99.99 / hr for on-site visits.

Look forward to helping you take care of your PC.