The IT Guys Now Offers RMM Services

As of, March 24th, 2023, the IT Guys has partnered with, Syncro remote management services. To provide local monitoring of the PC and quick remote access to existing and newer customers.

Bitdefender Anti-Virus / Firewall

We have also struck a deal with Bitdefender to offer Anti-Virus and Firewall to home and business users. This is provided in the RMM package, when purchased.

Services in which are provided with our agent, are listed below. Let us help maintain your computers updates and checking of hardware failure.

  • Windows Event viewer error log monitoring.
  • Hard drive failure monitoring.
  • CPU usage monitoring, if the computer is running high we will know.
  • Memory usage high alerting.
  • Quick remote connections to tech support at The IT Guys.
  • Live chat support with tech support. (If online)
  • Automatic updating of all Windows/Linux/MacOS applications.
  • Automatic updating of all Windows/Linux/MacOS OS patches.
  • Customized checks for business/home users on their PC that they want The IT Guys to monitor on their PC(s).
  • 15% Off remote calls and/or on-site visits.

All of this is being provided to you at a low cost of

$8.99 a month (Per PC)

Please call us, if you are interested and we can get you and/or your business setup.